Shadow makes her second round into rescue

Shadow was confiscated by animal control for abuse and neglect in 2015. Shadow was not a senior but a young pup and had endured so much in her few short months of life. She had lived 6mpnths in a cage so small she could not stand up or turn around in. Due to no exercise and poor diet her feet and legs were deformed and the muscles were not developing. Months of little short exercises , good nutrition and lots of care , her feet started to straighten put and today she has recovered completely for this . She was adopted in Oct of 2015 , but recently had to return to the rescue. Shadow is beautiful, loving and still a puppy at heart. She is now 18 mos. Old and weighs 104 pounds! Tiffany and Gary Hemme  have opened up their  home and heart to this big girl , determined to make her feel secured and loved. We cannot THANK them enough for doing so. Although back to rescue , she’s already in a new home!